Exhibitions and Events
26th Immigrant Festival
Cultural, artistic, and gastronomic manifestations from a range of nations populating the state of São Paulo are represented at the traditional Immigrant Festival, which in 2021 takes place on December 17, 18, and 19, at the former Bras Immigrant Hostelry complex, now home to the Immigration Museum.
Check out the program in full and enjoy the attractions!
Important notes
• Face masks are mandatory whilst attending the event. Masks may be fabric or disposable and must cover the nose, mouth, and chin.
• To attend, proof of vaccination with both doses or the single dose against covid-19 must be presented, which can be digital (through ConecteSUS, Poupatempo Digital, or e-saúdeSP).
• Those who have had only one dose may attend upon presentation of a PCR test (no more than 48 hours old) or antigen test (no more than 24 hours old).
Rua Visconde de Parnaíba, 1.316
Mooca – São Paulo/SP
(11) 2692-1866
. museudaimigracao@museudaimigracao.org.br
The closest subway station to the Immigration Museum is Bresser–Mooca